Liberty Coin Physical Ownership Claim Example

The below image shows a 3-D grid of proven gold-ore reserves lying on the surface of the mine premises with each cell representing Liberty Coin physical ownership claims within previously mined gold-ore pile. The physical size of each Liberty Coin claim is dependent on several factors including: (1) concentration of gold per cubic yard of previously mined gold ore, and (2) the relative collateralization ratio of the claim.

For example, if the concentration of gold-containing ore in a mine’s proven reserves on average yielded .50 oz (1/2 oz.) of gold per cubic yard, it would on average require 2 cubic yards of ore to produce 1 oz. of gold. Note, one cubic yard of gold-ore weighs approximately one US ton (e.g. 2,000 lbs.). Therefore, if the collateralization of each Liberty Coin were 10 to 1, each physical ownership claim would comprise 20 cubic yards of proven gold ore reserves; a claim large enough to produce 10 oz. of gold valued at $1,700 per oz. or $17,000.

Accordingly, assuming a $1,700/oz. gold spot price at delivery, Liberty Coin owners hold legal ownership to $17,000 in appraised gold-ore reserves for each 10-year delivery $200 Liberty Coin owned, yielding a collateralization ratio of 85:1 ($1,700/$200). In other words, every $1.00 of Liberty Coin investment is protected by $85.00 of appraised gold-ore reserves lying exposed on the surface, ready to transport and refine to certified 99.99% pure investment grade gold.

It is important to note that the 10:1 protection provided by a Liberty Coin owner’s physical ownership claim is in addition to the collateralization pledge of all unsold previously mined gold-ore lying on the surface of each mine in the portfolio. This results in a substantial amount of additional collateral. Accordingly, each Liberty Coin comes with two primary sources of physical collateralized protection: (1) a secured legal claim to 10 times the amount of physical gold-ore required to mint each Liberty Coin owned, and (2) a legally enforceable general claim to all unsold gold-ore reserves lying on the surface of each mine in the portfolio.

The individual stockpiles of gold-containing ore lying on the surface of each mine are subdivided into three-dimensional (3-D) grids, with each cell representing an individual Liberty Coin physical claim of gold-containing ore (typically 1 cubic yard of gold-ore weighing approximately 1 ton). Assuming a gold concentration of 0.50 oz. per cubic yard of gold-ore, a single 1 oz. Liberty Coin physical ownership claim would comprise 20 ownership cells measuring 1 cubic yard each, as highlighted in the above 3-D gold-ore pile grid.

In this example each 1 cubic yard cell of the ownership claim contains approximately 0.5 oz. of gold, meaning the entire 20-cell claim contains (on average) 10 oz. of fully refined 99.99% pure gold. 

With Liberty Coin you stake an actual physical claim to your gold. With Liberty Coin the claim you stake is as real as pure gold.

Please contact Liberty Coin Network with any questions you may have concerning Liberty Coin ownership claims at [email protected].

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